Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Praying in Color

I came across the book "Praying in Color" last summer, I think. I love art books and when I saw this one that had to do with praying, I bought it. Now, like a lot of people, I don't feel like I pray enough. I sit down to do it, run off my laundry list of requests, get distracted, and never feel like I really prayed. I would never pray in public. I can't string together all those fancy words like the pastor does. This is a great book for people like me. I am an artist, but you don't have to be to do this exercise. I taught a Sunday School class for a week and I think people really liked it. As a class we sent our "prayers" to a member who is recovering from a stroke in a nursing home. He hung them up on a wall and proudly shows them to everyone who comes to visit. A friend is using it to learn scripture and the people who were at the class have been talking about it so much so that I will be doing another class next Wednesday. I love the visual aspect of this and wish the church did more in this area; but that may be a entry for a later date. In the mean time, check out the website for Praying in Color at:

1 comment:

Becky - stampin' and sewin' in the tulip city said...

This book looks fab. Thanks for sharing. I would love to try this.